Sabtu, 24 November 2012

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

한국과학기술원 (韩国科学技术院)
Address: Gwahangno (373-1 Guseong-dong), Yuseong-gu Daejeon 305-701, Korea
대전광역시 유성구 과학로 335 (구성동 373-1)
Tel : 042-869-2114, Fax : 042-869-2210~2220
Nam Pyo Suh President
The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) is Korea’s premier center for science and engineering education and research. KAIST was founded with government funding and was initially staffed with a number of Korean engineering and science faculty educated in the United States. KAIST is an international institution with all instruction in English for both undergraduate and graduate studies. The University’s 400-strong faculty conducts internationally recognized research in cooperation with academic institutions and industries all over the world. The University has in recent years been recruiting distinguished scholars from overseas. The current KAIST President, Dr. Nam-Pyo Suh, former administrator and chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at MIT, is a leading authority in axiomatic design technology. His predecessor, Dr. Robert Laughlin, a Nobel laureate and physics professor from Stanford University, was the first foreigner to head a Korean university. There are at present a total of 7,736 students enrolled; 3,223 in the bachelor’s, 2,213 in the master’s, and 2,300 in the doctorate program. International students number 220 and account for 3 percent of all students, with 55 in the bachelor’s, 76 in the master’s, and 89 in the doctoral program. KAIST had 442 professors and 323 staff as of 2008.

1. Academic Units

Department of Physics
Department of Biological Science
Department of Mathematical Science
Department of Chemistry

School of Mechanical, Aerospace & Systems Engineering
Division of Mechanical Engineering

Nano/Micro Systems Technology
IT-based Intelligent Mechanical System
Thermofluid and Energy Systems
Biomedical System Engineering Mechanics & Design Innovation
Mechanics & Design Innovation

Division of Aerospace Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department of Industrial Engineering
Department of Industrial Design

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Division of Computer Science
Division of Electrical Engineering
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Automotive technology
Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering

School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Graduate School of Culture Technology
College of Interdisciplinary Studies
Department of Bio & Brain Engineering
-Bio-Information Systems
-Bio-Electronics Systems
-Bio-Nano Systems (MEMS)

Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering
Business Economics program

- Graduate School of Management
- Graduate School of Finance
- Graduate School of Information & Media Management
2. Research Units

Research at KAIST focuses on basic science and technological innovation that will have the greatest impact on industrial society.
KAIST professors had 1,778 publications listed in science citation index (SCI) journals in 2005 or nearly four papers per professor per year.
Eight KAIST Institutes (KIs) have been set up to concentrate the University’s research capabilities in specific advanced fields.
Center for Science-Based Entrepreneurship Center for Sustainability
KAIST Institute for the BioCentury
KAIST Institute for the Information Technology Convergence
KAIST Institute for the Design of Complex Systems
KAIST Institute for the Entertainment Engineering
KAIST Institute for the NanoCentury
KAIST Institute for the Eco-Energy
KAIST Institute for the Urban Space and Systems

KAIST has laboratories dedicated to all of the critical topics in contemporary Science and Technology:

Ultrafast Quantum Optics Laboratory
Quantum Electron Transport Theory Laboratory
Quantum Matter Research Lab
Computational and Cellular Biology Laboratory
Center for Cell Cycle Control Protein
Gas Discharge Physics Laboratory
Complex Systems Statistical Physics Lab
Low Temperature and Processing Plasma Lab
Plasma Theory Lab
Theoretical Condensed Matters Physics Group
Quantum Information Research Group
Nano Laser Lab
Polymer Semiconductor Laboratory
Magnetic Resonance & Magnetism Lab
High Tc Superconductor/superconducting Magnet Laboratory
Silicon Photonics Laboratory
Center for Nanospinics of Spintronic Materials
Photonic Crystals Laboratory
Soft Matter Physics Laboratory
Fiber Optics Laboratory
Laser Science Research Center
Computational Physics Laboratory
power-aware integrated systems lab
Wave Embedded Integrated Systems Lab
Communication and Information Systems Laboratory
NanO-Bio-Electronic Laboratory
Circuit Design and System Application Lab

Lightwave Systems Research Lab
Robotics research laboratory
Network Systems Laboratory

3. Education System

KAIST has a unique, autonomous and flexible academic system. Other Korean colleges and universities are required to abide by government-directed admissions and curriculum requirements. KAIST’s “open major system” for the undergraduate program allows a student to take classes for three terms before choosing a discipline that suits their aptitude and interest. In addition, undergraduate students are free to change their major at anytime. About 580 venture companies have been established by KAIST graduates since 1981, including HandySoft Inc. and Turbotek Co.

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

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